Powder Blue Tang


Animal Unique | Powder Blue Tang | Powder Blue Tang is a good example of how good a rod can be. The color of this fish is a bright light blue with a yellow dorsal fin and tail. The face is darker and outlined in white. This is a moderately expensive and rare fish. The Powder Blue Tang can be found in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. Its yield ranges from East Africa to the Andaman Sea, Christmas Island, and Bali in Indonesia. The Powder Blue Tang lives in shallow, clear coastal reefs and the island. It is usually found on reef flats and slopes along the upper ocean. He lives alone or in combinations which together form large feeding.

The Powder Blue Tang is a beautiful fish from the family doctor fish. The baby has a blue body, yellow dorsal fin and a dark stain on his face. Although not as popular with hobbyists and the Yellow or Blue Tang, it enjoys some popularity in the aquarium trade, especially in people with large fish tanks. This fish is a blue white white chest. The head is black and decorated with a wide white band running from the base of the pectoral fin to the throat. Anal and pelvic fins are white. The dorsal fin is yellow with a white border and a black submarginal line.

The Powder Blue Tang is a semi-aggressive fish. Although most fish outside the Tang family are safe from any bullying most of the time. It is very aggressive towards a member of the surgeonfish family. Putting two powder blue tangs in that tank is generally a bad idea. In the wild, the Powder Blue Tang is found living alone or of living with a huge school of them, where they aggressively protect their territory against other species of tangs.

In the wild, Powder Blue Tang graze on algae for the better part of the day. Algae based foods and spirulina, a large part of their diet. While they are mostly vegetarians in the wild, they normally consume what is offered in a saltwater aquarium. Meaty foods like mysis shrimp, formula one and two cubes, a small percentage of their diet. High-quality food such as mixing the formula of one and two formula must also be offered mysis shrimp and as a good pellet food. It is important that you feed tangs a good variety of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods with emphasis on vegetables and spirulina. Best to feed small amounts several times a day.

Usually Powder Blue Tangs are found separately, they are areas of shallow water reef terraces and around the edges of the reefs. The aggressive defending its territory and therefore they should only be kept singly. This tool is particularly intolerant of other tangs and should be the last fish added to the community aquarium. In the wild, when the algae-free zones are absent, they may form large schools of fish to other areas to invade, like virgins, so they eat algae. They are outgoing enough fish that swim in the aquarium space. They also need a place to put down for the night, so ensure sufficient amount of shelter in the tank.

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