Ballon Fish


Animal Unique | Ballonn Fish | Balloon fish are known for their large eyes, spines and their ability to swell like a balloon when attacked. Adult balloon fishes occur on shallow reefs and the mangroves in the open land areas, including seagrass beds and rocky substrates. Swimming closely to the ground, they are found at depths ranging from two-100m below the surface of the water. The Balloon fish is circumtropically fish anywhere in the world oceans, including the western Atlantic from Florida and the Bahamas, south of Brazil. It is also present in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the western central and eastern Pacific. 

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Subphylum:     Vertebrata
Class:     Actinopterygii
Subclass:     Neopterygii
Infraclass:     Teleostei
Order:     Tetraodontiformes
Family:     Tetraodontidae

The body is covered with long, sharp spines that stabbing out when the fish is inflated. The inflated Balloon fish through water in the body when it is threatened. All members of the family Diodontidae capable of inflation. Along with inflation, may also change color due to the excitement. The Balloon fish is distinguished from similar species by the large dark spots on the sides and back that the color pattern and the small black spots interspersed between them dominate. Unlike its relative, the Porcupine fish, these small spots do not extend to the fins. The Balloon fish has a brown bar above and below each eye. The anal, dorsal and  pectoral fins are mainly used for navigating through coral at low speed. 

When threatened or frightened, the Balloon fish to take fish in the water - allowing you to expand its overall body size. This inflated, its spines erect. The spines and the extensive size may prove intimidating to potential predators. Balloon fish predators are nocturnal, usually hiding in crevices during the day. The teeth are fused into one entity, creating a strong, beak-like mouth is capable of cracking the shells of snails, sea urchins, and hermit crabs. During certain Pacific island communities, the balloon fish historically shaped like a helmet. 

The Balloon fish has a pelagic fish, or open-ocean, life. Spawning occurs after males slowly push women to the water surface. The eggs are spherical and exuberant, floating in the water. Hatch after roughly four days. The larvae are mostly yellow with scattered red spots. They are well developed with a functional mouth, eyes, and a swim bladder. Larvae less than ten days old are covered with a thin skin. After the first ten days, the shell is lost and the spines begin to develop. The larvae undergo a metamorphosis approximately three weeks after hatching. During this time, all fins and fin rays are present and the teeth are formed. The red and yellow color of the larvae do not persist into the juvenile phase and are replaced by olive and brown, typical adult. 

Dark spots will also appear at the bottom of the juvenile's. Pelagic young are often associated with floating sargassum, and these areas can serve as camouflage for predators such as dolphins, which swim among seaweeds. Young people to keep watching until they move along the coast and adults. The young Balloon fish does not undergo another metamorphosis to an adult. All changes now are external and include extension of the spines and normal body growth. Young Balloon fish consumed by many pelagic predators, including tuna and dolphins. Adults fall prey to sharks. They are shy creatures and will retreat if approached by a diver. In some parts of the world, are the dried, inflated bodies sold as tourist novelties. It is also used in Asian medicinal practices. The balloon fish caught in nets and sold to the aquarium trade.

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