

Animal Unique | Frog | Like mammals, birds, bony fishes, reptiles and other amphibians, frogs are vertebrates. A vertebrate an animal with a back or spine. Compared to all other vertebrates, frogs are the only ones who have this combinationof functions:
  • A wide head and large mouth
  • Two large, bulging eyes
  • A short body, with only eight or nine bones in the spine
  • Two additional bone in the ankle region of their long legs to make
  • even longer
  • A long rod-shaped bone called the urostyle in hip
  • No tail

The distribution of frogs ranges from tropical to subarctic regions, but most species are found in tropical rainforests. Consisting of more than 5000 type described, which are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates. There are, however, certain populations of frog species falling significantly. Most frog species is in hot and humid tropical regions, but some make their homes in places all four seasons, including a cold winter have. Frogs usually stay out of very dry areas, but the water-holding frog and a few others are able to survive in dry grasslands and even deserts. The majority of frogs live in valleys, Lowlands, or only halfway through the sides of the mountains. Some survive, however, quite high above the ground.

Depending on the species, the smooth skin of a frog, a little bumpy, or covered with warts. Although many people think that all warty frogs, toads can be called only in a family of real frogs are toads. The members of this family usually plump body, instead of short hind legs, and many warts. What distinguishes them from other frogs, even those that are also chubby, warty, short legs and a bidder's like the organ. A Bidder's organ is a female body part that is found in a male path. This small organ does not seem to do anything in a healthy man path, but it helps scientists tell a true path of all other species of frogs.


Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Amphibia
Subclass:     Lissamphibia
Order:     Anura
Number of families:      28 families

Many frogs are green, brown, gray, and other many colors in the background look in the place where they lives. They also have spots, stripes and other patterns that help them blend into their surroundings. Others, many of the frogs have bright colors which makes them very noticeable. Most species of frogs lay eggs which hatch in the tadpoles. Tadpoles sometimes described as a bag of guts a mouth at one end and a tail at the other. Often the mouth of a tadpole is as hard as the beak of a bird and is capable pieces of plants scraping the sides of underwater rocks. Some tadpoles instead have a fleshy mouth. These tadpoles suck in water and sieve tiny bits of food from them. Including their tails, tadpoles are often as long or longer than the adult frogs. Because the tadpoles change into young frogs, however, the tail is slowly getting shorter and shorter until it's gone.


Like other amphibians, frogs can breathe through their skin, but they can only do so if the skin is moist. Most frogs are nocturnal, that is when the air is humid. Moist air helps them keep their skin moist. Most frogs have sticky tongues that attach to the front of the mouth and turn out. Some frogs, including frogs, a more energetic approach to the hunt, and hops about in search of their next meal. Frogs couples often based on the weather. Those who live in warm, moist conditions can mate all year round, but usually only do so during or after a rainstorm.


To mate in most species, the man scribbles on the back of a woman in a piggyback position called Amplexus and depends on her. As she lays her eggs, he leaves a liquid. The fluid contains microscopic cells, the sperm that mix with the eggs. This mixing is fertilization. After fertilization the eggs begin to develop case. The tail frogs things a little differently. The males have "tail", which basically are small pieces of meat they use for their moisture add to the eggs while the eggs are still in the body of the female. Depending on the species, a frog was less than a dozen eggs at a time or over a thousand. The typical female frog lays her eggs in the water, often in underwater plants.


Most frogs eat mainly plants and tadpoles as they switch to a diet of mostly insects as they into frog lets. Some tadpoles will also eat small pieces of dead animal matter that float down to the bottom of the water and the tadpoles of a few species even eat an insect or invertebrate, that animals have no backbone. Not all adult frogs eat only insects. Many of the larger species will be shocked what they can catch and swallow. Bullfrogs, which are common in much of North America, are a type of frog that eats almost anything that comes within reach, including ducks and frogs.


Frogs are marketed for different purposes. Frogs are used as food source, frog legs are a delicacy in China, France, Indonesia, the Philippines, northern Greece and in large parts of the American South, especially Louisiana. Frogs have served as important model organisms throughout the history of science. Frogs in cloning research and other branches of embryology because frogs to the nearest living relatives of humans no egg shells characteristic of most other vertebrates, and the options observations of early development.


Many people really enjoy the sound of frogs rely on a spring or summer night. In some places, people even come together to listen to frog choruses. Some people eat frogs, especially frogs, and occasionally tadpoles. Frogs are also popular as pets. Perhaps more importantly, some frogs have chemicals in their skin, which help the human medical disorders. In addition, scientists are looking frog population very closely, because frogs can help them tell if the environment is healthy. A population suddenly a pond, may be a warning that the water is polluted.


In the 1990s, scientists noticed that the number of frogs around the world to drop. Some species were almost gone, and others were already extinct. She began trying to figure out why and now believe that many things can be debt including air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and infection with a fungus They also believe that introduced species are a threat to frogs. People often add fish to streams or ponds without thinking about what will happen to the frogs that water to use, too. In many cases fish eat frog eggs, tadpoles and adult frogs sometimes.

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