Savannah Monitor


Animal Unique | Savannah Monitor | Savannah monitor is a monitor lizard species from Africa. The species is known as the Bosc's Monitor in Europe since the French scientist Louis Bosc first described the species. Comes from Africa, Savannah monitors have a dry, warm environment for them to thrive in. They spend most of their time in the wild basking in the sun. The range stretches across sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal to Eritrea and northern Zaire. Savannah monitor is primarily a ground dwelling species that shelters in burrows, although sometimes in bushes or low trees. In the coastal plain of Ghana, Savannah monitor youth often associated with the burrows of the great cricket Brachytrupes. 


Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Reptilia
Order:     Squamata
Suborder:     Lacertilia
Family:     Varanidae
Genus:     Varanus
Subgenus:     Polydaedalus
Species:     V. exanthematicus

Savannah monitor is built very brave. Strong limbs with claws as sharp claws for digging holes and climbing, very powerful jaws that could easily crush the exoskeletons of invertebrate prey, and powerful, so short tail. The maximum size is seldom more than 3.5 meters in length. The vast majority are usually 3 to 4 meters. The pattern on the back of uniformly gray to pale cream, dove, white or light blue spots. The monitor has a short, box-like head and large dorsal and nuchal scales. The short tail is round, and stores fat as an energy reserve. 


Unlike most monitors are carnivorous, the Savannah monitor is a highly specialized insectivore. Although it will consume mammals, they would wander over the road, they will not actively looking for mammals as prey, and it is generally not recommended that they be fed a diet of mammals in captivity. Mammals are rich in fat and can cause health problems, most related to obesity and malnutrition. A generalist in the wild, Savannah monitors eat cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, worms, centipedes, grasshoppers, and a variety of other invertebrates. The feeding behavior of this and most species the monitor is very aggressive rampage. 


The Savannah monitor prefers to flee or risk death to play, but if cornered, defends itself with its tail lashes and if necessary, a powerful, vise-like grip. The thick skin is resistant to most bites and it claims that the lizard is immune to most snake venom. When confronted with a large predator, the monitor rolls on his back and grabs a hind leg in his mouth, forming a ring with his body and making itself more difficult for the animal to swallow whole while playing dead. Savannah monitors, such as most monitors will extend their throat and body to present a larger profile also. They will also marvel and let out a slow, deep hissing sound when threatened. 


Savannah monitors are larger pet lizards that are known are some of the more docile lizards of the Monitor Group. They are not really active lizards, but generally tolerated the treatment very well. Savannah monitors will grow to about 3 to 4 feet long. Regular use will tame them but like all monitors, as they are not a captive bred baby or are not handled often savannah monitors can become aggressive. As with any exotic animal, the more natural diet, the better. Savannah monitors eat gut loaded insects like crickets, cockroaches, and earthworms together with appropriately sized rodents. Savannah monitors can be voracious eaters. So if they bite-sized bed that they can get a mouth full when trying to grab their food. If the savannah will enjoy his food in his basket, choose a bed that will not lead to impaction.

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