Question Mark Butterfly


Animal Unique | Question Mark ButterflyQuestion Mark Butterfly is a North American butterfly. It is their name from their wings. The wings of butterflies question mark attached. They live in wooded areas and city parks, or in general in areas where trees and open spaces are provided. His flight from May to September. Their sources of food rotting fruit, tree sap, dung or carrion, but if nothing is available that they visit flowers for nectar. Like other species in the order of Lepidoptera, the Question Mark Butterfly is an insect that four stages of life, also known as holometabolis or complete metamorphosis. These four stages of life are embyro (ova or egg), larva (in this case, caterpillar), pop (pop), and image (or adult / butterfly). 


Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Arthropoda
Class:     Insecta
Order:     Lepidoptera
Family:     Nymphalidae
Tribe:     Nymphalini
Genus:     Polygonia
Species:     P. interrogationis

The top of the 2.25 -3 inch wings are red-orange with black spots. The color of the upper edge of the wing changes hindrance depending on the time of the year. In the summer Question Mark Butterfly is mostly black with a short tail, the winter form has a longer and a lot of orange, violet-tipped tail. The underside is light brown, the hind wings have a pearl white question mark in the middle, making the butterfly its name.

However, Question Mark Butterfly will leave their perches to other insects and even birds to hunt. Females lay eggs only, or stacked on the leaves of plants. These are not always of the caterpillar host plants. When the caterpillars appear, they need a host to feed. Caterpillar host plants include the American and red elm, Hackberry, hops, and nettles. At maturity, will mark adult butterflies feed on rotting fruit, tree sap, carrion, and animal waste. Only if these are not available, they feed on milkweed, and asters. 


Larvae of the Question Mark Butterfly, like all lepdiopteran larvae mature through a series of steps called instars. At the end of each instar larva the undergoes a process that apolysis, wherein the epidermis a tough outer layer of a mixture of chitin and specialized proteins released from the softer epidermis under the epidermis, and starts a new Cuticle below. At the end of each instar, the larva molts the old cuticle, and the new cuticle enlarged, for rapid hardening and the development of pigment. Development of butterfly wing patterns begins with the last larval instar. 


Once their last instar larvae, the caterpillars pupate in what we call a doll. Unlike most moths, which build cocoons to pupate in the majority of butterfly pupae are "naked", meaning that without the protection of the earth or a cocoon to protect them. After reaching the end of its last larval stage, it sheds its skin (molting or apolysis), and creates a soft fleshy puppets, while on closer observation many parts of the future butterfly may, prior to seeing the new skin hardening. While they are hard, the dolls take the colors of their environment to provide them with excellent camouflage in their environment.

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