Amur Leopard


Animal Unique | Amur Leopard | Amur leopard is also known as the Far East leopard, Korean leopard and Manchurian leopard. It is found in temperate forest habitat, providing a wide range of variability experienced in temperature and precipitation. It is known to apply to almost any habitat provides ample food and lid. Amur leopard is a subspecies from the Primorye region of southeastern Russia. 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species classifies the subspecies as Critically Endangered. 


Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Carnivora
Family:     Felidae
Genus:     Panthera
Species:     Panthera pardus
Subspecies:     P. p. orientalis

Amur leopards are different from other subspecies by a thick coat. They show the strongest and most consistent differences in the pattern. Leopards from the Amur River basin, the mountains of north-eastern China and the Korean peninsula have pale cream-colored coats, especially in winter. Their fur is quite soft with long and dense hair. The hairs of the coat are 2.5 cm long summer but in winter they are replaced by 7 cm long. The winter ranges from fairly dense light yellow to yellow-red with a golden hue or rusty-red-yellow. The summer coat is brighter with more vivid color pattern. They are quite small and within the variation in the measurement of the linear type. 


Amur leopards are very conservative in their choice of territory. An individual territory is usually located in a basin and generally extends to natural topographical boundaries of the area. The territory of two individuals may sometimes overlap, but only slightly. Depending on gender, age and family size. In places where wild animals are plentiful, leopard permanently to live alone or perform vertical migrations, dragging ungulate herds and avoiding snow. When the density of ungulates is low, leopards have large home. Amur leopard is usually at night and solitary. Nimble feet and strong, it carries and hides unfinished kills so that they not be taken by other predators. It has been reported that some men remain with females after mating, and can even help in the upbringing of the boy. A number of men to follow and sometimes fight over a female. 


Amur leopard reaches sexual maturity at three years, is known to live for 10-15 years and 20 years in captivity. The species breeds in spring and early summer. The litter size varies from 1 to 4 young. The young are weaned when they are three months old, and let their mother is one-and-a-half to two years old. The main prey species are deer and Sika deer, small wild boar, together with the hares, badgers and raccoon dogs. Amur leopards are threatened by poaching, is advancing civilization, new roads, logging and climate change.Tigers eliminate leopards as densities of large and medium-sized prey are low. The competition between the two predators will probably in the summer, when small prey are more available. In winter conditions less favorable for the tigers, and the magnitude of trophic niche overlap with those of the Amur leopards probably reached its peak. 


Human-induced fires are a major threat to the survival of the Amur leopard. In fields of fire stabbing is largely just a habit. Some fires are started for a particular purpose, such as improving fertility for grazing, killing ticks and other insects, making scrap visible so they can be easily collected, clearing of vegetation along railway tracks, and stimulating growth of ferns since young ferns are sold in shops, served in restaurants and also exported to China as a popular dish. . Through a long and frequent fire history, much of the land in southwest Primorye converted to permanent grasslands. These frequent fires cause degradation of suitable leopard habitat unsuitable habitat. Repeated fires have open "savannah" landscapes leopards seem to occur again, probably because of the low densities of ungulates.

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