Pacific Sea Nettle

Animal Unique | Pacific Sea Nettle |This jelly is also known as West Coast Sea Nettle. Sea nettles have a distinctive golden ring with a reddish tint. The bell can grow to be larger than one meter in diameter in the wild, although most are less than 50 cm in diameter. The long, spiral, white oral arms and tentacles to 24 wavy auburn trail far behind the 3.6 to 4.6 m. For the man, its sting is often annoying but rarely dangerous. Pacific sea nettle is often found along the coasts of California and Oregon, although some live in the northern waters of the Gulf of Alaska, west of the seas around Japan and south to the Baja peninsula. Populations reach their peak during late summer.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Cnidaria
Subphylum:     Medusozoa
Class:     Scyphozoa
Order:     Semaeostomeae
Family:     Pelagiidae
Genus:     Chrysaora
Species:     C. fuscescens

Pacific sea nettle has proven very popular for display at public aquariums are by their bright colors and relatively easy maintenance. It is possible to culture Chrysaora polyps and in captivity. When provided appropriate aquarium conditions, the medusae do well in captivity. The colorful animal is squishy and round and has what seems at first to have long legs. Pacific sea nettle has a golden brown top with bell or around a reddish hue. The bubble can reach a foot (30 cm) in diameter and is 24 deep red tentacles hanging from the edge of the. The long edges white arms hanging from the center of the clock are the oral arms, which are used in food. These arms may trail behind the bell for about 10 feet (3 m).

Pacific sea nettles can not hunt their prey. They eat when they drive. Spread their tentacles like a big net, the nettles catch food as it floats by them. Prey includes fish eggs, fry, adult fish, jellies and other small floating animals. When prey brushes against a sea nettle, thousands of nematocysts, or stinging barbs on its tentacles explode, launching barbed stingers into the victim. A crippling poison is injected from the stingers. The oral arms act as a digestive organ for prey too large to fit into his mouth.

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