African Helmeted Turtle

Animal Unique | African Helmeted Turtle | African helmeted turtle is found in Africa, where Ghana and the west, and south to the Cape of Africa. It is also recorded in parts of Madagascar, and is indistinguishable from that in East Africa. African helmeted turtle has a subspecies, found in North Africa, from Ethiopia, westward to Nigeria and Cameroon. They are semi-aquatic animals, which swamps, creeks and rain holes. During the dry season, they will bury themselves in bottom mud and estivate until the next rainy season, where they travel from mud hole to mud hole, spread significantly.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Reptilia
Order:     Testudines
Suborder:     Pleurodira
Family:     Pelomedusidae
Genus:     Pelomedusa
Species:     P. subrufa
The African helmeted turtle is tiny turtle with a shell length of 15-18 cm (6-7) as an adult. The shell is very thin, oval, brown to olive green in color. The head is brown to olive-colored and may be mottled with darker or lighter shades. The tips of the tail and limbs are grayish brown, while the underside is yellowish. The male turtle is distinguished by its long, thick tail. Females tend to have a shorter tail and have a broader carapace. Boy a shell size of about 30mm in length, and are olive to black.

The African helmeted turtle is omnivorous and will eat almost anything. Some of the key items in its diet are insects, small crustaceans, fish, earthworms and snails. They can also eat carrion. The fine claws at his feet help to tear its prey. Groups of these turtles have been observed to catch and drown the birds as they come to drink

In the food court and the relatively small African helmeted turtle is quite aggressive. During feeding, it will seize his prey in his mouth and tear it to shreds with his claws for feet. Where the population density, and competition for food is increased, a number of turtles coincide larger prey, and drag it under water before tearing it apart. The African helmeted turtle often basks in the afternoon in a temperate climate where the sun is not too. When caught, helmeted turtles will emit a musky odor offensive, but soon become tame and are well kept in captivity or as pets.

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