Saltwater Crocodile

Animal Unique | Saltwater Crocodile | The Saltwater crocodile, also known as estuarine or Indo-Pacific crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles. The saltwater crocodile, also known as estuarine or Indo-Pacific crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles. Saltwater crocodiles are usually found in coastal waters or rivers nearby. They are also found in fresh water near rivers and swamps. The young are raised in freshwater rivers in the rainy season between November and March, but they are often forced out of these areas by dominant males to be used for breeding.  

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Reptilia
Order:     Crocodylia
Family:     Crocodylidae
Subfamily:     Crocodylinae
Genus:     Crocodylus
Species:     C. porosu

The Saltwater crocodile  has less armor plates on its neck than other crocodiles, and its broad body contrasts with that of most other lean crocodiles, leading to early unverified assumptions that the reptile was an alligator. Saltwater crocodiles can reach adult males weigh between 7.6 m and outside the 1.000 to 1.200 kg. Females are much smaller. The head is quite large and has a pair of ridges that run from the eyes along the middle of the muzzle. The scales are oval and the scales (bony plates) are small compared with other species. 

Young Saltwater crocodiles are pale yellow with black stripes and spots found on the body and tail. Adults are dark brown to light gray area. The ventral surface is white or yellow, and streaks are present on the lower sides of the body, but not extending to the abdomen. The tail is gray with dark bands. The saltwater crocodile has a heavy set jaw with between 64 to 68 teeth.

The Saltwater crocodile is an opportunistic top predator from virtually every animal that enters its territory, either in water or on dry land. They are known to people who enter the crocodile territory to attack. Youth are limited to small insects, amphibians, crustaceans, small reptiles and fish. The larger the animal grows, the greater the variety of animals included in the diet, although relatively small prey are an important part of the diet, even in adults.

Large adult Saltwater crocodile can potentially eat all the animals within their range, including monkeys, kangaroos, wild pigs, dingoes, goannas, birds, livestock, pets, people, water buffalo, gaur, bats and even sharks. Domestic cattle, horses, water buffalo and gaur, all of which can be heavier than a ton, are considered the largest prey by male crocodiles.

Saltwater crocodile is the most found on the coasts of northern Australia, and on the islands of New Guinea and Indonesia. It varies as far west as Sri Lanka and eastern India, along the coasts and rivermouths of Southeast Asia to central Vietnam, around Borneo and the Philippines and Palau, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Saltwater crocodiles are good swimmers and are sometimes found in open water far from land.

Saltwater crocodiles are not officially endangered, but in many countries the general population have decreased. are usually found in coastal waters or rivers nearby. They are also found in fresh water near rivers and swamps. The young are raised in freshwater rivers in the rainy season between November and March, but they are often forced out of these areas by dominant males to be used for breeding. 

Saltwater crocodiles are extremely dangerous, resulting in a number of attacks on humans per year, sometimes to death. Saltwater crocodile leather is in high demand, and its crocodile farms to establish crocodiles increase solely for their hides. Like other animals skin and fur trades, this practice is highly controversial among those concerned with animal welfare. Saltwater crocodiles are not officially endangered, but in many countries the general population have decreased.

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