Sea Snake

Animal Unique | Sea Snake | Sea ​​snakes are very shy and avoid contact with people. Even if it causes a bite, they will usually use a small amount of poison. In fact it is used to immobilize prey and not for the defense. Sea ​​snakes are generally very small and have short fangs incapable of causing much damage. However, to think that a bite is a serious accident is a big misconception. Even the short fangs can penetrate the skin, so the poison in the blood going. It is said that snakes can open their mouth wide enough to bite a man in the thigh. 

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Subphylum:     Vertebrata
Class:     Reptilia
Order:     Squamata
Suborder:     Serpentes
Family:     Elapidae, Boie, 1827
Subfamily:     Hydrophiinae

If provoked, the Sea ​​snake is very aggressive and persistent, especially during the mating season in winter. Though they evolved from terrestrial ancestors, most are extensively adapted to a fully aquatic and are unable to move on land, except for the genus Laticauda, ​​which retain ancestral characteristics, resulting in little soil movement. They are found in warm coastal waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Most Sea ​​snakes are completely waterproof and have adapted to their environment in many ways, the most characteristic of which a paddle-like tail, which has increased their swimming skills. Since it is easier for a snake tongue to the olfactory function underwater to comply, its action is short compared to those of terrestrial snakes. Only the forked tips protrude from the mouth through a divided notch in the middle of the rostral scale. 

Most types of Sea ​​snakes able to breathe through the top of their skin. This is unusual for reptiles, because their skin is thick and scaly, but experiments with the black-yellow sea snake. Like other land animals that are adapted to live in a marine environment, sea snakes occupy considerably more salt than their terrestrial relatives through their diet, and when seawater accidentally swallowed. This meant they needed a more effective way of controlling the salt concentration in their blood evolve.

Most Sea ​​snakes chasing fish, especially eels. The last stiffens and dies within seconds when bitten. A species prefers mollusks and crustaceans such as shrimp, while a few others to feed only on fish eggs, which is unusual for a poisonous snake. The sea snake bite is painless. However, half hour later the following symptoms: rigidity, muscle pain and spasms of the jaw, pain in the limbs bitten. The powerful neurotoxins in the poison causes blurred vision, drowsiness and paralysis of respiratory muscles.

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