Hourglass Dolphin

Animal Unique | Hourglass Dolphin | The Hourglass dolphin is a small dolphin family Delphinidae. Although traditionally placed in the genus Lagenorhynchus, recent molecular analysis indicates that the hourglass dolphin, in fact more closely related to the dolphins of the genus Cephalorhynchus. The Hourglass dolphin is the only small delphinids often is south of the Antarctic convergence observed. It is probably in the circumpolar pelagic waters of the subantarctic and Antarctic regions south of the Subtropical Convergence.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Cetacea
Family:     Delphinidae
Genus:     Lagenorhynchus
Species:     L. cruciger

The Hourglass dolphin is colored black and white, and for this reason was colloquially known by whalers as a "sea cow". Each side has a white spot at the front, above the beak, eye and flipper, and a second patch on the back. These two sites are connected by a thin white strip, creating, loosely speaking, an hourglass shape and hence the common name of the dolphin. In his usual assortment of dolphin is easily recognizable. Only the southern right whale dolphin is of comparable size and lives in the south. The right whale dolphin is not a dorsal fin, so that the two species are easily distinguished. The fin varies greatly between individuals. It is generally long and curved, and the curve may be particularly pronounced in older animals.

Hourglass dolphins are beautiful, black and white dolphins. They are found in the Antarctic and subantarctic. It is rarely seen near land. Very little is known about this particular dolphin. The scientists say that dolphins are "avid bow riders." Which means they drive along the front (bow) of a boat. The boat attracts them and makes them swim faster. These dolphins have been seen in the company of Arnoux's beaked whales, fin whales, sei and minke whales.

Hourglass dolphins primarily feed on fish, squid and crustaceans. They have been seen eating in large groups near the surface, which attracts seabirds and helps research vessels are groups of hourglass dolphins. Hourglass dolphins tend to move in groups of about 5 to 10. They share feeding grounds with other cetaceans, such as sei, pilot, minke and southern right whale and bottlenose dolphins. They are regularly seen with fin whales.

Like all toothed whales, the Hourglass dolphin uses echolocation for orientation and prey location. A recent study showed that this species is very high button, causing the prey to detect more than twice the distance of the other dolphin species produces. It is thought that the hourglass dolphin is likely to communicate using sight and touch. There are no known specific threats to the hourglass dolphin. It is thought that the species probably attacked by killer whales, but there is not no documented evidence of predation. The hourglass dolphin is not commercially hunted and accidental bycatch is limited

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