Melon Headed Whale

Animal Unique | Melon Headed Whale | Melon head whale is a cetacean of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). It is closely related to the pygmy killer whale and the pilot whale. The other names are Many toothed blackfish and Electra dolphin. The Melon head whale is widespread in tropical waters of the world, but not often seen by humans because they prefer deep water. Melon head whales travel in pods of 100-1000, even though larger pads have also been reported. They feed mainly on squid and fish.

Scientific classification e
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Cetacea
Family:     Delphinidae
Genus:     Peponocephala
Species:     P. electra

Melon head whale are dark gray to black in color with white to light gray color on their belly (bottom) side and, like the pygmy killer whale, white lips. The black triangular "mask" on the face distinguishes them from the more uniformly colored pygmy killer whales. Melon head whales also have a cape diving far below the dorsal fin than that of pygmy killer whales, although the margin is often vague. They reported traveling with Fraser's, spinner and spotted dolphins.

Adult males reach 2.7 m long, 2.6 m long in adult women. Their maximum weight is about 225 kg. The Melon head whale has a round head somewhat triangular when viewed from above or below. When viewed from the side, the head rounded. Females and juveniles have an indistinct beak. They have a distinct dorsal fin is located in the middle of their backs. Their flippers are long and pointed at the ends, a feature that differs from the more rounded flippers of pygmy killer whales. Melon head whales have twice as many teeth as the pygmy killer whale.

With Melon head whales, it's like a rock concert with screaming and shouting. Yelling, screaming clicks, whistles, squeaks, shrieks, whines and pops are a few of the sounds they make. Males are called bulls and females are called cows. After the birth of the cows push the calf to the surface to learn to breathe. The calf is a baby of 2 to 3 years before they grow up. Their whistle is like a song bird, screams, pops, and whines. The Melon head whale is not always open their mouths when they make noise. Whistles and clicks are the most sounds they make. The sound comes from their melon or forehead. The dolphins swirl around each other all the time.

The Melon head whales  make a low, shallow leaps out of the water while traveling quickly, often creating a lot of spray when they surface and makes it difficult to detail. Slow swimmers may lift the head straight out of the water on the pavement. They are usually wary of boats, but many observations in areas where tuna dolphin hunt regularly, so their behavior may differ elsewhere. They are known to bow-ride for short periods, and breached occasionally recorded. Sometimes they spyhop.

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