Adélie Penguin

Animal Unique | Adélie Penguin | The Adelie penguin is a kind of penguin common along the coast of Antarctica. They are among the most southerly distributed of all seabirds, like the Emperor penguin, the South Polar Jager, of the Wilson's Storm Petrel, Snow Petrel the, and the Antarctic petrel. The Adelie Adelie is named after the wife of d'Urville, the French polar explorer, Dumont d'Urville. Adelie penguins are smaller than all other species of penguins. Adelie penguins breed in colonies of a few dozen to many thousands. Within the colonies, different sub-colonies are detected. The nests, depressions in the ground, covered with small stones, which help the eggs free from melting snow to keep. Stones for building nests are often in high demand. They are very comfortable on land and at sea. The availability of accessible ice-free nesting habitat limits the distribution of this species in the high Antarctic.



Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Order:     Sphenisciformes
Family:     Spheniscidae
Genus:     Pygoscelis'
Binomial name:     Pygoscelis adeliae (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841)

The color pattern of the Adelie penguins is the classic pattern penguin. Adelie penguins have a bright white belly and chest, which sharply contrasts with the black back, wings and head. Adelie penguins are easily distinguished by the white rings around their eyes. The plumage of both males and females is similar. Adelie penguins are one of the three types of "brush-tail" penguins, along with the chinstrap and Gentoo penguins. Adelie penguins a medium characterized by its white eye-ring. Feathers on the back of the head are slightly elongated and can be increased to form a small crest. Light-skinned people are rare in some colonies. Immature birds up to 14 months are different from adults in having a white instead of black children and they lack the white ring around their eyes.



The Adelie penguins are known to feed mainly on Antarctic krill, ice krill, Antarctic silverfish, and Glacial Squid (food varies depending on geographic location) during the chick-rearing season. Adelie penguins are known to form large colonies, sometimes consisting of more than 200,000 pairs of birds. They breed on rocky coasts and islands where each mating pair builds a nest of stones. Adelie penguins build their nests with stones stones are known to steal from the nests of rival pairs. In early November, the female lays two light green eggs and the parents take turns incubating the eggs and foraging for food in the sea.



Adelie penguins are migratory after breeding and not returning to their colonies the following spring. There is little about the non-breeding distribution of this species. There are only a few reports of Adelie penguins in the Antarctic winter. Recent work using satellite telemetry indicates that Adelie penguins in the Ross Sea, leaving the area in autumn and migrate about 600 km north of the Antarctic continent. Young species are suspected to still further north than adults traveling. Vagrant birds have been recorded as far north as South Georgia, Falkland Islands, Kerguelen, Macquarie Island, Tasmania, Heard Island and South Island of New Zealand. 


Adelie penguins can swim at 45 miles per hour. Adelie penguin are  hunted by leopard seals. The Adelie penguin population is considered stable and is perhaps increasing. Birdlife International estimates that between 4 and 5 million adult Adelie penguins. Because the Adelie population will depend on the abundance of krill in the seas around Antarctica, scientists use these birds as indicator species for the health of the waters around southern land mass of the Earth to measure.

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