African Glass Catfish

Animal Unique | African Glass Catfish | African Glass Catfish, Eutropiellus buffei, Eutropiellus vanderweyeri, Kryptopterus Buffei, belonging to the family Silidruae are a shy fish except when in schools. They live in Africa. So, they should not be confused with the Kryptopterus spp. that live in Borneo.

African Glass Catfish are a popular fish in this hobby. They are one of the few see-through fish that can be dyed colours which dying quickly. Catfish are popular due to their see-through body. They eat flake foods and brine shrimp. They grow to about 8cm. Three Striped African Glass Catfish is a popular community aquarium choice as it is much more visible than most other catfish. These fish are silver with three black horizontal stripes and rarely grow over three inches in length.
These catfish are schooling fish and must be kept in groups of at least 6 fish to stay visible and active. These groups will often hover around the middle level of the aquarium once acclimated. A planted tank with floating plants and subdued lighting is best. These catfish will accept most types of foods. Flakes or small pellets are fine and frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia or bloodworms make good supplements.
The most commonly offered species in the aquarium trade is Pareutropius buffei, but P. debauwi is a very similar species that has given these fish the commonly used trade name Debauwi Catfish. Both of these fish are almost identical and can only be differentiated in adulthood.

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