Beluga Whale

Animal Unique | Beluga Whale | Beluga whale or White whale lives in a discontinuous circumpolar distribution in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters ranging from 50 ° N to 80 ° N, particularly along the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Russia. In spring, the beluga move to summer grounds: bays, estuaries and other shallow inlets. These summer sites are discontinuous. Others remain under the icepack-surviving by finding ice leads and polynyas (areas of open water in the ice), which they can surface to breathe. Beluga whale may also be air pockets trapped under the ice. The Beluga whale is able to thin strips of open water to be found inside a sealed bag of ice over 96% of the surface may relate to mystifies scientists.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Cetacea
Family:     Monodontidae
Genus:     Delphinapterus
Species:     D. leucas

Beluga whales, the small whales incredibly fascinating character with a stocky frame, sturdy white color, and the bulbous melon. A dorsal ridge, more prominent in males, dorsal replaces the other whale species. Adult males have webbed feet that curl upward. Male belugas are larger than females. Males weigh between 1,100 and 1,600 kg, occasionally to 1,900 kg while females weigh between 700 and 1,200 kilograms. They rank as medium-sized species in the toothed whales. Of the Beluga's melon is extremely bulbous and even malleable.Unlike many dolphins and whales, the vertebrae in the neck are not fused together, making the animal's head turn sideways. The stage is approximately 8 to 10 teeth on each side of the jaw and a total of 34 to 40 teeth.

Beluga whales have a dorsal ridge rather than a dorsal fin. As in other cetaceans the thyroid gland is relatively large compared to terrestrial mammals (proportionally three times as large as the thyroid of a horse) and a higher metabolism can help to support during the summer estuarine occupations. The tail fin grows and is becoming more and gracefully curved as the animal ages. The flippers are broad and short making them almost square shape. The Beluga whale is a slow swimmer that feeds mainly on fish. It also eats squid, octopus, crab and shrimp. Polar bears use in particular situations where Beluga whales trapped by ice and are therefore unable to reach the ocean. The bears sweep the Beluga whales and drag them onto the ice. The orca is the other important natural enemy.

Beluga whales are also known as "sea canaries" because of their songs and chatter, which even can be heard above the water. Beluga whales use echolocation to their bottom-dwelling prey to localize to the breathing holes found in the Arctic ice cap, and to navigate the deep, dark water. Their numbers are also used in communicating with other belugas. belugas produce many different sounds, ranging from clicks, squeaks, whistles, etc. The fatty melon of the Beluga changes shape as the beluga noises .

Beluga whale populations are overhunted to the point where they were swept away in some regions. Recovery is hindered by human activities such as river diversion or port construction and beluga fertility in some areas is low due to chemical pollution. Beluga whale have been hunted for centuries for a variety of products. More recently, it has been harvested by the commercial fishing industry. Beluga whale meat sold for human and domestic animal consumption, the bacon was used to make soaps, lubricants, and margarine to make the fat of the head was used to create a high quality lubricant. Bones were crushed and used as fertilizer, and the skin was tanned to make boots and laces.

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