Common Octopus

Animal Unique | Common Octopus | This animal has binomial name Octopus vulgaris. They are found in worldwide in the shallow waters of tropical, subtropical and temperate regions, the common octopus is a fascinating creature. They are the most studied of all octopus species. The natural range extends from the Mediterranean Sea and the southern coast of England, at least in Africa, Senegal. It also comes from the Azores, the Canaries and Cape Verde Islands.

Although it was generally accepted that the octopus limbs were all poor, recent studies have shown that marine experts from the two limbs function as legs more, so the octopus walk on the sea bed to turn off while swimming. The octopus also has the convenient ability to regenerate if it loses a tentacle.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Mollusca
Class:     Cephalopoda
Order:     Octopoda
Family:     Octopodidae
Genus:     Octopus
Subgenus:     Octopus
Species:     O. vulgaris

Like a squid, common octopus is classified as a mollusk, which is a soft-bodied invertebrate with a shell. The octopus has no skeleton but have a skull, which protects the brains. It also has a sharp beak and a toothed tongue called a radula, which it uses to pry open the shells of prey and drilling, such as crabs and mussels. Once it breaks in the shell, the octopus can also inject a crippling poison in his prey.

When faced with a potential threat, the octopus has a number of defense tactics. In the first method, to pigment cells in the skin contract to provide secret camouflage abilities. Besides changing color, octopuses also adapt the structure of their skin and their posture in seamlessly with their surroundings. 

The octopus can also answer a deflective markings to chase potential predators. The areas around the eyes, suckers, arms, and may obscure web, so the octopus is more threatening. Their color reflects their mood. While their pigmentation is usually brown, white octopus can showing fear or red, that anger shows.

Another tactic is to defend flight. After releasing a cloud of purple-black ink, the octopus propels itself by funneling water from the gills at the top of his mantle through its siphon, located at the bottom of the mantle. It can reach speeds up to 40 km / h (25 mph), but this speed can not keep for long. Octopuses are solitary animals that make their home in the rocks and coral or dig burrows. They throw rocks and shells (or middle) around their burrows to hide them. They make the holes just to eat or reproduce.

In early spring, octopuses closer to shore to mate. Two months after mating, the female octopus releases eggs from 100.000 to 500.000. She spends her time cleaning the eggs, the supply of oxygen by spraying water, and to ward off predators. Soon after the eggs hatch, both male and female octopus die. They live only 12-18 months. Meanwhile, the boy carried by the currents, and they feed on plankton 45-60 days. Only one or two of the young will survive to adulthood.

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