Atlantic Blue Marlin


Animal Unique | Atlantic Blue Marlin | The Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is a species of marlin endemic to the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic blue marlin (hereafter, marlin) feeds on a wide range of organisms near the surface. By using its beak, it can stun, injure or kill, while a knifing through the school of prey and then later in his free time to eat. Atlantic blue marlin is a popular game fish and has commercial value because the meat has a relatively high fat content. Atlantic blue marlin are distributed throughout the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, they are more densely populated areas in the west. It is a blue water fish that most of his life spent in the open sea, far from land. Females can grow to four times more than males, reaching 540 to 1.800 kg (1.200 to 4.000 pounds). Marlin have few predators apart from humans, the World Conservation Union does not consider it an endangered species. Some other historical English names for the Atlantic blue marlin are the Cuban black marlin, Gar ocean, and ocean monitoring. 


Physical description Atlantic Blue Marlin
The largest females are more than four times as heavy as the largest males. The males rarely exceed 160 kilograms (350 pounds) in weight, and the females are often heavier than 540 kilograms (1200 pounds). The longest females can reach a length of more than 4 meters (13 ft) with the bill, from eye to tip, make up about 20% of the total body length. Both sexes have noon vertebrae, which are eleven and thirteen precaudal his tail. This Atlantic blue marlin has two dorsal fins and two anal fins. The fins are supported by bony spines known as rays. The first dorsal fin has 39-43 rays from front to back. The second dorsal fin has 6-7 rays.


The first anal fin, which is similar in shape and size of the second dorsal fin has 13-16 rays, anal fins and the second is 6 to 7 rays. The pectoral fins, which are 19 to 22 rays, are long and narrow and can be pulled to the sides of the body. The ventral fins are shorter than the pectoral fins, have a poorly developed membrane, and can be pressed into the ventral grooves. The first anal fin, with his pectoral fins and tail, can be folded into the grooves. This streamlines the fish and therefore reduces the resistance.


The body is blue-black on top with a silvery white underside. It has about fifteen rows of pale cobalt-colored stripes, each organized around issues and / or thin rods, located on both sides of the fish. The first dorsal fin membrane dark blue or nearly black with no spots or stains. Other fins are usually brownish-black, sometimes with a hint of dark blue. The basis of the first and second anal fins have a hint of silver white. Atlantic blue marlin can quickly change color and usually appear bright blue when hunting. The staining results of pigment-containing iridophores and light-reflecting cells. The body is covered with thick, bony, elongated scales that one, two, or three points back, one of the most common form. The bill is long and stout.


Both the jaws and the Palatines (the roof of the mouth) are covered with small, file-like teeth. The lateral line system is a group of neuromasts embedded in the lateral line canals weak water movements and big changes can feel pressure. It has the appearance of a net. It is evident in immature specimens, but it is unclear in adults, are becoming embedded in the skin. The anus is just before the origin of the anal fin. 

Growth and maturity Atlantic Blue Marlin
Atlantic blue marlin reaches sexual maturity at the age of two to four. Males reach sexual maturity at a weight of 35-44 kg (77-97 lb) and females at 47 to 61 kilograms (100-130 pounds). Atlantic blue marlin race in late summer and autumn. Females can spawn up to four times in a season. They are often rather more than seven million eggs at once, each about 1 millimeter (0.039 in) in diameter. Few reach sexual maturity. Planktonic young drift freely in the pelagic zone of the ocean. Larvae inhabit the western central Atlantic Ocean off Georgia.


North Carolina, Florida, Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Arecibo, and the southwest Atlantic from Brazil. The larvae can grow up to 16 millimeters (0.63 in) in one day. On their sides and dorsal surface they are blue-black in color, while ventrally they are white. Both the tail and the tail (the narrow part of the body of the fish tail or tail fin which is attached) are clear. Two iridescent blue spots on the head, and some individuals have dark spots on their backs. In adolescents, the first dorsal fin is large and hollow, gradually reducing in proportion to body size with continued growth. The males can live for 18 years and women 27.

Diet and nutrition Atlantic Blue Marlin
The larvae feed on a variety of zooplankton, with fish eggs and larvae floating. They progress to eating a wide variety of fish, particularly tuna and mackerel as scombrids, squid, and also, particularly around oceanic islands and coral reefs, shore on young fish. Studies of stomach contents in both the Atlantic and Pacific have found that smaller schools like scombrids frigate mackerel, tuna ball, and skipjack tuna are a substantial part of their diet. Squid, including the large Humboldt squid, and pelagic fish such as pomfret and snake mackerel, are also important prey in some areas.


Atlantic blue marlin are included to take prey as large as white marlin, yellowfin and bigeye tuna as well as in 100 pounds (45 kg) range. Conversely, they are also capable of eating small, but plenty of prey such as filefish and snipe fish. Scientists and fishermen have long debated the extent to which the blue marlin and sailfish their elongated maxillary other food use. A 2007 Japanese study of the stomach contents of fish caught in commercial fishing trolling revealed that 130 of undigested prey items obtained from 227 Atlantic blue marlin was spearing, cutting and other injuries that were judged to have been inflicted by the bill.


Scientific classification 
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:         Actinopterygii
Order:         Perciformes
Family:         Istiophoridae
Genus:         Makaira
Species:     M. nigricans

Preservation Atlantic Blue Marlin
The Atlantic blue marlin was under heavy pressure from the longline. In the Caribbean alone, Cuban and Japanese fishermen every year more than a thousand tons. All vessels within 200 miles (320 km) from the U.S. coast are required to free any billfish caught. However, the survival of released fish is low due to damage during recording. The Atlantic blue marlin is not listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In 2010, Greenpeace International added the Atlantic blue marlin in the seafood red list. "The Greenpeace International seafood red list is a list of fish commonly sold in supermarkets around the world, and a very high risk to be coming from unsustainable fishing.

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