Red King Crab

Animal Unique | Red King CrabRed King Crab were deliberately introduced to the Barents Sea in the 1960s by Soviet scientists, and the stock has increased dramatically in abundance and in distribution. Other than the crabs, they have several common names such as Alaskan crab and Kamchatka king crab. The king crab is native to the Bering Sea, north Pacific around the Kamchatka Peninsula and adjacent waters of Alaska. It is interesting to note that during their migration to the sea, they can be seen on the road walking in groups. They look great in groups and can even stop the traffic and puncture tires. Red King crabs are one of the most interesting sea animals by their appearance and behavior.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Arthropoda
Subphylum:     Crustacea
Class:     Malacostraca
Order:     Decapoda
Infraorder:     Anomura
Family:     Lithodidae
Genus:     Paralithodes
Species:     P. camtschaticus

These crabs are big in their appearance and can grow to a size of about 11 inches. They weigh up to 10 kg. They have fused thorax and head with a fan-shaped tail. Besides this they have an array of antennas. Their legs can grow to a size of 1.8 meters. It is red, but the color darkens when it is cooked and therefore has received this name. The nature of the food consumed by these species depends on their life history. Pelagic larvae are known to feed on both phytoplankton and zooplankton. The young ones feed mainly on mussels, barnacles, mussels, starfish, etc. In addition, the adults are omnivorous in nature and feed on what's available to them. This consists of the most common benthic organisms.

These marine animals are found in the Pacific Ocean, Kamchatka Peninsula, Berring Sea and the waters of Alaska. They live in a smooth, stiff marsh and bottom holes, ranging from (200-2000) meters. These are large and appear to be more active during the day. They want to stay in the shade because they can die in the heat of direct sunlight. Red King crabs are hollow and residents remain in these caves for two or three months to maintain their body temperature. When the monsoon comes, they return to their breeding grounds in large groups and cover every obstacle that comes along the road. They look very beautiful and amazing as they move the crowd.

It is the most coveted of the commercially-sold king crab species, and is the most expensive per unit weight. It is most commonly caught in the Bering Sea and Norton Sound, Alaska, and is particularly difficult to catch, but is nonetheless one of the most preferred crabs for consumption. The red king crabs are experiencing a steady decline in numbers in their native far east coastal waters for unclear reasons. In the Barents Sea, however, it is an invasive species and its population is increasing tremendously. This is causing great concern to local environmentalists and local fishermen as the crab eats everything it comes across and is spreading very rapidly. West of the North Cape on Norway's northern tip, the Scandinavian country is allowed to manage its crab population itself. Only 259 Norwegian fishermen are allowed to catch it, and they see the king crab as a blessing, as it is an expensive delicacy.

In 2002, the Institute of Marine Research started an extensive research on the impact on ecosystems of the red king crab. The program focuses on topics such as spreading, effects on soil fauna, related parasites, etc. These studies are conducted in close collaboration with Russian scientists. They have shown that the crab feeds on a wide range of prey benthos. There is also an indication that the king crab can influence recruitment lumpsucker by feeding on their egg clutches.

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