Blue Shark

Animal Unique | Blue Shark | The Blue shark is a kind of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae, which inhabits deep waters in temperate and tropical oceans of the world. Blue sharks are pelagic. It means they are found in open water. Like most pelagic sharks, they found the whole world. Blue sharks migrate east across the Atlantic each year, following the warm Gulf Stream waters. They travel a circuit of the Caribbean Sea, along the coast of the U.S., eastern Europe, south of the African coast and back to the Caribbean.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Chondrichthyes
Subclass:     Elasmobranchii
Order:     Carcharhiniformes
Family:     Carcharhinidae
Genus:     Prionace
Cantor, 1849
Species:     P. glauca

The Blue shark is one of the most easily recognized sharks. It has a unique color, a deep indigo blue top and a vibrant blue on the sides to white underneath. The large pectoral fins are also easy to spot as they are, as long as the distance between the tip of the snout to the last gill slit. The Blue shark is a long slender shark, reaching 3.8 meters (13 feet) in length. It is probably the most productive of the large shark species as it is abundant throughout the range. The Blue shark has a weak keel on the tail and the upper lobe of the caudal fin is larger than the bottom. The teeth on both upper and lower jaw have triangular cusps with smooth or finely toothed edges.

Squid is an important prey for Blue sharks, but their diet also other invertebrates such as squids and octopuses pelagic as well as lobster, shrimp, crab, many bony fishes, small sharks, mammalian carrion and occasional sea birds. Whale and porpoise blubber and meat are taken from the stomachs of fish caught and they are known for taking cod from trawl nets. Blue sharks seldom eat tuna. Young and small individuals can get eaten by a sufficiently large sharks, such as the Great White Shark and Tiger Shark.

Blue sharks are the most heavily fished sharks mainly as by catch. It is estimated that 10 to 20 million people are slain every year due to fishing. The flesh is edible, but not widely sought, it is consumed fresh, dried, smoked and salted and diverted for fish meal. The skin used for leather, fins for shark fin soup and liver oil. Blue sharks are occasionally sought as game fish for their beauty and speed.

Although Blue sharks are among the most common, widespread, fertility and rapid growth of the sharks, they are one of the most heavily fished sharks in the world. There is concern not only about what this does for Blue shark populations, but also about the effect of removing such an important predator might have on the oceanic ecosystem Blue sharks are one of the most important species in international trade shark. However, their flesh, and eaten in a few countries, is not very popular. They are also an important fish species in some areas.

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