
Animal Unique | Crocodile | Crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae. The term is also loosely used for all existing members of the order Crocodilia are the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and gharials (family Gavialidae) and the Crocodylomorpha that prehistoric crocodile relatives covered and for parents . Many crocodiles can live in fresh water or seawater. But Australian saltwater crocodiles spend more time in salt water than any other crocodile. Saltwater crocodiles can even swim hundreds of miles to reach new areas. Some people spend so much time at sea, they have barnacles, a kind of sea animals, grow on them. 

Scientific classification
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Reptilia
Superorder:     Crocodylomorpha
Order:     Crocodylia
Superfamily:     Crocodyloidea
Family:     Crocodylidae, Cuvier, 1807 

Crocodiles are among the more biologically complex reptiles despite their prehistoric look. Unlike other reptiles, they have a cerebral cortex, a four-chamber heart and the functional equivalent of a membrane, by including the muscles used for aquatic locomotion into respiration. A crocodile has a long, pointed snout. Some of his bottom teeth are exposed when the jaw is closed. It is olive green with dark cross bands on the back and tail. The skin is protected by large bony plates. The crocodile has a heavy tail, short legs and webbed hind feet.

The crocodile has eyes and nostrils stabbing, raised slightly above the flattened head, causing the animal to see and while the rest of his body submerged breathing. The ears have flaps that close when the head is submerged. A fold on the back of the mouth shut of the air passage from the food passage, and the beast, even when his mouth breathing underwater. The jaw muscles are strong and sharp, strong teeth, which are often shed, replaced by new ones grow in their place. Both sexes have a pair of scent glands under the chin that secretes musk, a fragrant substance that attracts a partner.

The easiest way is to look at the animal heads. Alligators and caimans have broad U-shaped snout. Crocodiles have narrow, V-shaped snout. But there are other differences, too. The upper jaws of crocodiles and caimans are wider than their lower jaw. When the mouth is closed, the teeth in the jaw covers. A crocodile's upper and lower jaws are nearly the same size. When the mouth is closed, some teeth in the mandible is seen. Alligators and crocodiles usually live in fresh water. Crocodiles are found in fresh water or seawater. Crocodiles have salt glands on their tongue. Additional salt from food or water leaves the crocodile's body through these glands salt.

Adult crocodiles feed on shellfish, fish, small mammals, birds and water, the young feed on insects and small frogs. Approach adult animal from a pool under water and drag it down until it drowns. Crocodiles do not chew their food, as their prey too large to be swallowed whole, they seize it with their teeth and twist their bodies to pieces tearing flesh. Crocodiles are ambush hunters, waiting for fish or land animals to come close, then rushing out to attack. As cold-blooded predators, they have a very slow metabolism and can survive long periods without food. Despite their slow appearance, crocodiles are top predators in their environment, and different kinds of sharks seen attacking and killing.

The larger species of crocodiles are very dangerous to humans. The greatest danger that crocodiles pose is not their ability to run after a person but their ability to strike before the person can respond. The saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile are the most dangerous, killing hundreds of people a year in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. The mugger crocodile, American crocodile, alligator and the American black caiman are also dangerous to humans. Crocodile meat is consumed in some countries such as Australia, Ethiopia, Thailand, South Africa and also Cuba (in pickled form), but can also be found in specialty restaurants in some parts of the United States. The meat is white and its nutritional composition compares favorably with that of other meats. 

Crocodiles are protected in many parts of the world, but they are also grown commercially. Their skin is tanned and used for leather goods like shoes and handbags, whilst crocodile meat is also considered a delicacy. The most cultivated species are the Saltwater and Nile crocodiles, while a hybrid of the Saltwater and the rare Siamese crocodile is also bred in Asian farms. Agriculture has led to an increase in the Saltwater crocodile population in Australia, as eggs usually harvested from the wild, so landowners have an incentive to crocodile habitat.

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