
Animal Unique | Iguana | Iguana is a herbivorous species of lizard native to tropical regions of Central America and the Caribbean. The word "Iguana" is derived from a Spanish form of the original Taino name for the species' Iwana ". The family Iguanidae includes all lizards popularly called "iguana". There are eight groups called genera within the family Iguanidae. Two species are listed in the genus Iguana: Green Iguana, which is widespread throughout its range and a popular pet, and the Lesser Antillean Iguana, which is endemic to the Lesser Antilles and endangered due to habitat destruction.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Sauropsida
Order:     Squamata
Suborder:     Iguania
Family:     Iguanidae
Genus:     Iguana, Laurenti, 1768

The two species of lizards of the genus Iguana possess a dewlap, a row of spines turn their backs to their tails, and third 'eye' on their heads. This eye is known as the parietal eye, visible as a small scale at the top of the head. Behind their neck are small scales which resemble spikes, known as tuberculate scales. These scales are a variety of colors and are not always visible at close range. They have a large round scale on their cheek known as a shield subtympanic.


Iguanas have excellent vision and can form, shadow, color and movement can be seen over the long haul. Iguanas use their eyes to navigate through crowded forests, as well as for finding food. They use visual signals to communicate with other members of the same species. The tympanum is the iguana's ear drum, and is located above and behind the eye shield subtympanic. Iguanas are often difficult to recognize because they tend to blend into their surroundings. Their size, colors are a way to hide from larger predators. Male iguanas, like other male members of the order Squamata, have two hemipenes.


The wooded areas where iguanas live with increasing depletion. Trees felled for export and for a growing world. Iguanas and other reptiles are part of a multi-billion dollar international trade in wildlife due to the increasing demand for foreign or rare plants, animals and objects such as skins. Green iguanas are classified as "endangered" and are included in Annex II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This means that exporters and importers must have special permits for the reptiles to move across international borders. Buying and owning iguanas is legal once they reach their destination.

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