Crocodile Fish

Animal Unique | Crocodile Fish | The Crocodile fish, also known as De Beaufort's flathead or crocodile flathead, is a member of the Order Scorpaeniformes, including the stone fish, and scorpionfish. The Crocodile fish, is non-migratory and is generally associated with marine reefs, at depths of 1-8 m. In the western Pacific, they can be seen from the Philippines, Borneo, the Moluccas, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Palau and Yap Island to Ishigaki Island. The range extends to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Actinopterygii
Order:     Scorpaeniformes
Family:     Platycephalidae
Genus:     Cymbacephalus
Species:     C. beauforti

Crocodile fish live on sand or rubble substrates in the vicinity of mangroves, seagrass and coral reefs in shallow water at least 30 m. The rough and mottled nature of the surface mimics the pattern on these fish, which is very effective camouflage. The Crocodile fish, a species of flatfish mottled brownish gray with fluorescent green cross marks his body. The disguises are often sheltered or semi-exposed reefs. It may reach 50 inches long with 9 or 10 dorsal spines, 11 dorsal soft rays, no anal spines, 11 anal soft rays, and large ventral fins. 


The youngsters are all black, but as they grow older they gradually take on the blotched pattern of the adult. The rear edge of the upper end clearly in mind, and near the eye, a prominent pit, a smooth infraorbital ridge and smooth suborbital ridge with two spines. Interopercular the flap is usually wider than tall, with several subdivisions. The eyes of the Crocodile fish have frilly iris slippage, which help break up the black pupil of the fish, and thus improve the camouflage. Crocodile fish are carnivores, and most will fish small enough to fit into their mouths to eat. Little is known about the breeding habits of the crocodile fish, but the minimum population doubling time is probably between 4.5 and 14 years.

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