Great Barracuda

Animal Unique | Great Barracuda | The Great barracuda is a kind of barracuda.and  a sort of ray-finned fish. They are mainly found on or near the surface to 100 m has been included young people come under the mangroves, estuaries and shallow sheltered inner reef areas. The adults occur in a wide range of habitats from murky inland to the open sea. They are active at the day and solitary, but can also be found in small aggregations. You can find them in Western Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to Brazil.  Also found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea as well as the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific, and the Red Sea.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Actinopterygii
Order:     Perciformes
Family:     Sphyraenidae
Genus:     Sphyraena
Species:     S. barracuda

Great barracuda are elongated fish with powerful jaws. The lower jaw of the mouth guts out over the top. Great barracuda possess strong, Fang-like teeth that are uneven in size and sockets in the jaws and on the roof of the mouth. The gill covers have no spines and are covered with small scales. The two dorsal fins are far apart, the first with five spines and the second having one spine and nine soft rays. The second dorsal fin equals the anal fin in size and is more or less above it. The lateral line is prominent and extends straight from head to tail. The spinous dorsal fin is located above the pelvis. The pectoral fins are placed low on the sides. The Great barracuda has a large swim bladder.
In general, the Great barracuda's color is dark green or blue kind of color or gray above and white below chalky. Sometimes there is a row of darker cross-bars or black spots on each side. The fins may be yellowish or dark. The Great barracuda is a predator that feeds on a variety of prey including fish such as grouper, snapper, small tuna, jacks, mullet, herring and anchovies. They attack their prey quickly and unexpectedly to use their sharp teeth and big yawn, which allows them to contend with larger fish by chopping them in half. Great barracuda are essentially dependent on the eye to find prey and are very fast, reaching an estimated speed of 36 miles per hour.
Great barracuda is very aggressive and strong sharp teeth. In general, they eat many different kinds of fish in the open sea. Many of them are loners, but some are more groups than others. On the other hand, the little group together most of the time to be safer. Great barracuda interact with people very well, except in some cases people are known to have been bitten because of low visibility. Great barracuda are sometimes atrracted to shiny objects, because they think it's prey. So that is another way to get bitten. 
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